Toxins in the cell are broken down in the peroxisome. Assembly of ribosomes are in the RER or nucleolus. Nucleus determines what enters/exists cells….

Toxins in the cell are broken down in the peroxisome.
Assembly of ribosomes are in the RER or nucleolus.
Nucleus determines what enters/exists cells.
Light dependent reactions are in the thylakoid/granna.
The spindle apparatus for cell division is organized by the centrioles.
Structures unique to plant cells (plasma membrane, mitochondria, cell wall, peroxisome, central vacuoles, cystoskeleton, plastid)
The post Toxins in the cell are broken down in the peroxisome. Assembly of ribosomes are in the RER or nucleolus. Nucleus determines what enters/exists cells…. first appeared on .Toxins in the cell are broken down in the peroxisome. Assembly of ribosomes are in the RER or nucleolus. Nucleus determines what enters/exists cells…. was first posted on August 29, 2023 at 7:46 am.©2019 " ". Use of this feed is for personal non-commercial use only. If you are not reading this article in your feed reader, then the site is guilty of copyright infringement. Please contact me at